Animal Kinesiology

Throughout our bodies and the bodies of our animal’s are 7 major energy Chakras which feed our Meridian pathways. These Meridians are responsible for the communication between the organ systems that link muscles, organs, cells, and the nervous system as a whole, as well as regulating blood circulation.
Meridians maintain, support, and nourish the health of our organs, bones, and body processes. Therefore, when the energy flow through a specific Meridian becomes compromised, due to some form of stress, be it emotional, physical or biochemical, it has a negative effect on the animals physical and emotional state. For example, a compromised Lung Meridian will show up as physical symptoms such as respiratory conditions, itchy skin, allergies, neck & shoulder issues and lymphatic circulation, with the connected emotion being grief and anxiety. From a Behaviour perspective, this shows up as stubbornness, compulsive behaviours and anxiety. If the Liver Meridian is compromised, the physical symptoms can be muscle spasms, seizures/convulsions, reproductive issues, joint problems and blood disorders, with the connected emotion being depression. The associated behaviours are irritability, aggression and chaotic behaviour.
When these Meridians are identified and corrected, the animal and the owner are able to heal and move forward, as we have restored energy flow within the body.
A Kinesiology balance is a relaxing and restorative energy treatment, which keeps you and your animal in tip top condition.
​Animal Kinesiology Balance (£60-90 mins)
Animal Kinesiology uses muscle testing and biofeedback to identify where stress is being held in the body, and the nature of that stress. My particular area of focus during a consultation will be on the emotions that are compounding physical or behavioural problems. Whilst muscle testing is a great diagnostic tool, it is impossible to test directly onto an animal, as they move around too much. Therefore I use the owner as a surrogate and work with the dogs energy, which give us a valuable insight into their fears, phobias and any past and unprocessed trauma. Once we have identify any stresses or energy blocks, we carry out the relevant corrections, which allows for healing and growth. This is truly a very powerful treatment for both dog and owner.
Sensitivity Testing (£30-30 mins)
Kinesiology can identify what's causing your dogs itching skin, sensitive tummy or excessive licking/chewing of their paws. Book in for an appointment, bringing with you anything that you believe is contributing to the issues.
To book a session, please call: 07519 950 959 or email info@houndsnharmony.co.uk
What our Clients say...
Tracy & Gary
"We were recently invited to be a case study for Animal Kinesiology om Hounds 'n' Harmony. To be honest we were amazed at the insight just one session gave us into our dogs anxieties and what was contributing to it. Collette's ability to remotely communicate with our dog, with such accuracy, was mind blowing. We definitely want to continue with Kinesiology and would highly recommend this method to better understand your four legged friends."